
Does Your Home Need Roof Ventilation?

Your roof is more than just your home’s top layer. What goes on underneath the shingles is just as important as the surface. When it comes to preserving good indoor air quality and maintaining a comfortable temperature inside your home, proper ventilation makes all the difference. Keep reading to learn...

Why Choose Metal Roofing?

Why Choose Metal Roofing? When looking to change out your roof or build a home, the option of metal roofing appears. Any roofing company in St. Paul will tell you their opinion about metal roofing, but not everyone has your best interests at heart. We’ll break down the good and...

How to Know When Its Time to Replace Your Roof

Your roof plays a crucial role in protecting your home from the elements. But those same elements can wear down your roofing in St. Paul, MN, over time. Sooner or later, you’ll have to schedule that replacement. Here are some tips for determining when it’s time to do so. Signs...